Take Charge of Your Nursing Career, Second Edition

Take Charge of Your Nursing Career, Second Edition, establishes a unique perspective from which to develop and manage your career from beginning to end. This valuable resource will give you insights and tools to help you navigate and thrive throughout the entire span of your nursing journey.
Take Charge of Your Nursing Career, Second Edition (Physical)
SKU: 9781-646480-00-5
Take Charge of Your Nursing Career, Second Edition (EPUB)
SKU: 9781-646480-07-4
Take Charge of Your Nursing Career, Second Edition (PDF)
SKU: 9781-646480-06-7

Awarded second place in the 2022 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Nursing Education/Continuing Education/Professional Development.

"Lois Marshall and her contributors have done it again! The second edition of Take Charge of Your Nursing Career reminds all nurses how essential intentional career planning is, whether it is developing, managing, or expanding one’s career. This incredible resource is well-written, relevant, timely, and important and offers numerous practical tips, strategies, and tools all nurses can use on their career journey."

- Carol Huston, DPA, MSN, FAAN
Professor Emerita, School of Nursing, Trinity Hall
California State University, Chico

"Brilliant—Dr. Marshall’s book guides nurses with steps to taking their nursing career to the next level. She takes you on a dynamic journey of identifying your nursing identity and how to market it in the workforce. Dr. Marshall is an exceptional nurse educator and a masterful writer who, through this book, reveals several techniques to catapult one’s nursing career. This comprehensive, in-depth text was long overdue."

- Donna Carrazzone, DNP, FNP-C, AHA-BC
Assistant Professor, Caldwell University

No matter what stage you’re in, your nursing career is both a journey and a process that must be nurtured, grown, and managed.

Wherever you are—in the world or in your nursing journey—you deserve career-development and management support that goes beyond merely writing a resumé or a curriculum vitae. You expect tailored advice and innovative resources applicable to the many roles you will play and challenges you will face in our rapidly expanding and ever-developing global industry.

This newly updated book will give you insights and tools to help you navigate and thrive throughout the entire span of your individual nursing journey. Take Charge of Your Nursing Career, Second Edition, establishes a unique and distinct perspective from which to develop and manage your career from beginning to end. Author Lois Sarah Marshall offers timely and relevant topics, strategies, tips, and examples to help you:

  • Define your personal career trajectory no matter the stage in your journey
  • Expand your role and knowledge using professional development and continuing education
  • Understand and take full advantage of the value of mentorship
  • Leverage social media to develop, augment, and propel your career
  • Pursue entrepreneurship
  • Manage your professional and personal time

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Art and Science of Marketing Yourself
Chapter 2: Your Career Repository: The Portfolio
Chapter 3: Your Nursing Identity
Chapter 4: Educational Advancement: Gaining New Expertise
Chapter 5: Professional Development and Continuing Education: Role Expansion
Chapter 6: The Value of Mentorship: A Two-Way Process to Pay It Forward
Chapter 7: Career Development and Management for International Nurses
Chapter 8: Using Social Media to Develop, Augment, and Propel Your Career
Chapter 9: Expanding Your Reach: Using Your Voice
Chapter 10: Entrepreneurship for the Professional Nurse
Chapter 11: Work-Life Balance Issues: Managing Personal and Professional Time
Appendix A: Examples of New and Experienced Nurse Resumés
Appendix B: Curriculum Vitae
Appendix C: Example of Blank CV
Appendix D: Sample Cover Letters
Appendix E: Personal Philosophy Example: Philosophy of Teaching
Appendix F: Format for Developing Your Nursing Career Identity
Appendix G: Mentoring Agreement

Available On The Sigma Repository

  • Chapter 7: Career Development and Management for International Nurses
  • Examples of New and Experienced Nurse Resumés
  • Example Curriculum Vitae
  • Example of Blank CV
  • Sample Cover Letters
  • Personal Philosophy Example: Philosophy of Teaching
  • Format for Developing Your Nursing Career Identity
  • Sample Mentoring Agreement

These free downloads are available at the Sigma Repository.

About The Author

Lois Sarah Marshall, PhD, MN, RN, is the principal and owner of LSM Educational Consulting. A nurse and nurse educator for more than 40 years, she has been at the forefront of nursing career development and management. For the last 10 years she has served as lead advisor for the Sigma Career Center and coordinator of the Career Development Center for the National Student Nurses’ Association.