TRANSforming Nursing Education: Infusing Gender-Sensitive Care Into Healthcare

TRANSforming Nursing Education: Infusing Gender-Sensitive Care Into Healthcare (Physical)
SKU: 978-1-64648-082-1
TRANSforming Nursing Education: Infusing Gender-Sensitive Care Into Healthcare (EPUB)
SKU: 978-1-64648-083-8
TRANSforming Nursing Education: Infusing Gender-Sensitive Care Into Healthcare (PDF)
SKU: 978-1-64648-084-5

Christine Rodriguez has created a valuable resource for nurses to deepen their understanding of personhood and humanity, drawing from their own knowledge and experiences. This book is essential for all nurses, offering insights on improving patient care and fostering allyship.

Jennifer Mensik Kennedy, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FAAN
38th President of the American Nurses Association

I commend Dr. Christine Rodriguez for developing a timely, deeply insightful, and practical resource for nurses who are not afraid to tackle one of healthcare’s most pressing and challenging issues. This book should be adopted as a coursebook in all nursing, medical, public health, and allied health programs.

Daniel E. Dawes, JD
Founding Dean, Meharry School of Global Health

Trans and gender-diverse patients face significant barriers to respectful, comprehensive healthcare. Provider ignorance shouldn’t be one of them. TRANSforming Nursing Education supplies the context to help readers understand the gaps and missteps in providing healthcare to this marginalized population and explains how we can better treat these patients.

Author Christine Rodriguez tackles tough subjects—and tough statistics—head on. This no-nonsense guide is packed with inclusive case studies, immersive simulation-based scenarios, checklists, and ready-to-use templates on everything from social transitioning to hormone therapy to surgeries and potential complications, all with thoughtful, reflective questions to guide readers in their understanding of the gender-diverse community. TRANSforming Nursing Education answers key questions, like:

  • What is the difference between sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation?
  • How can we improve healthcare education and onboarding to better serve trans and gender-diverse patients?
  • What is binary language, and how does it impact trans and gender-diverse people?
  • What barriers in healthcare settings marginalize trans and gender-diverse patients, and how can we be more inclusive and better meet their needs?
  • What types of medical and surgical interventions are available for individuals who want to affirm their gender identity?


  • Chapter 1: Our Diverse World
  • Chapter 2: S3: Simply Startling Statistics
  • Chapter 3: Creating Gender-Affirming Healthcare Spaces
  • Chapter 4: Social Transitioning and Gender-Affirming Garments and Accessories
  • Chapter 5: Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy and Its Effects
  • Chapter 6: Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Requirements
  • Chapter 7: Trauma Care and the Gender-Diverse Patient
  • Chapter 8: TRANSforming Healthcare Curricula
  • Chapter 9: TRANSforming Healthcare Curricula II
  • Chapter 10: Infusing Gender Sensitivity Into Simulation-Based Education
  • Chapter 11: Our Inclusive Future
  • Chapter 12: Glossary of Terminology


  • Chapter 3: Creating Gender-Affirming Healthcare Spaces

This free download is available at the Sigma Repository.


Christine Rodriguez, DNP, MDiv, MA, APRN, FNP-BC, FAAN, FNYAM, she/they/ella, serves as faculty and the Assistant Dean of Simulation and Clinical Innovation at Yale University School of Nursing. She is also an affiliate faculty member at the Yale Institute for Global Health. Rodriguez’s scholarly inquiry encompasses 2SLGBTQIA+ healthcare with specializations in gender-affirming care, Native and Indigenous health, innovative technologies within healthcare simulation, intersectional stigma, entheogens and human consciousness, as well as advocating for the importance of religion and spirituality in healthcare settings.

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