Surgical services carry some of the highest risks and rewards of all healthcare specialties. They also present specific challenges. Those unfamiliar with the surgical suite’s inner workings may struggle to lead and manage this complex and often isolated department. The Healthcare Executive’s Guide to Navigating the Surgical Suite: A Roadmap to the OR and Perioperative Services provides experienced and novice healthcare leaders with the information, leadership structures, and practical strategies needed to successfully oversee both patient outcomes and balance sheets.
This book covers contemporary market realities, business challenges, labor requirements, and clinical and operational complexities as it points leaders toward the most pressing issues in strategic surgical services leadership. Inside you’ll find:
- A comprehensive overview of the competitive landscape and unique market forces
- Effective governance and leadership structures
- A shared, interdisciplinary decision-making model
- Insights on creating accurate budgets and monitoring complicated revenue and expenses
 | Doody's Core Title Score: 3/3 (Nursing - Perioperative) |

About the Authors
Gerald E. Biala, MSN, RN, CNOR, CSSM, is a Surgical Services Management Consultant and Managing Partner for Precision Consulting Services Inc. and Senior Vice President of Implementation Services at Sullivan Healthcare Consulting. His expertise stems from 40+ years of healthcare experience focused on care of the surgical patient and related clinical support areas, including serving as Surgical Services Director in both academic and community settings.
Therese A. Fitzpatrick, PhD, RN, FAAN, is a Senior Vice President and member of the Performance Improvement Practice at Kaufman Hall Associates, Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Illinois-Chicago College of Public Health, and a faculty member at Augusta University’s College of Nursing. She is co-author of Claiming the Corner Office, published by Sigma Nursing.