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Unfolding Health Assessment Case Studies for the Student Nurse, Second Edition

Unfolding Health Assessment Case Studies for the Student Nurse is a practical, straightforward study tool for your health assessment classes and the NCLEX.

From $49.95

Curso Principal de Equidade de Cuidados Pediátricos em Saúde Bucal - Online Course

Este curso define cárie precoce na infância e aborda a prevalência, a etiologia, os fatores de risco e as consequências da doença bucal em crianças. Os enfermeiros aprenderão seu papel na prevenção da cárie na primeira infância e, como membros da equipe de atendimento, os enfermeiros promoverão a saúde bucal em crianças.


Oral Health Equity Leader: Pediatric Care - Online Course

This course defines early childhood caries and addresses the prevalence, etiology, risk factors, and consequences of oral disease in children. Nurses will learn their role in preventing early childhood caries, and as a member of the care team, nurses will promote oral health in children.


Against Medical Advice

Against Medical Advice details many medical, social, cultural, and religious factors associated with treatment refusals and prepares healthcare providers to assess and understand beliefs, cultures, and philosophical perspectives.
From $34.95

A Practical Guide to Forensic Nursing: Incorporating Forensic Principles Into Nursing Practice

Forensic Nursing sits at the intersection of violence and health.

From $59.95

Nursing Beyond the Bedside

This book provides practicing nurses and those pursuing a nursing career a thorough understanding of the many career options available outside the hospital.

From $29.95